Anchor the Now Guidebook

FREE GUIDEBOOK: Unlock Your Power to Respond with Grace and Transform Your Life with Anchor the Now

What is Anchor the Now?

Anchor the Now is an inquiry practice designed to connect you to your truest self in every moment – especially the challenging ones! 

The Anchor the Now Guidebook is your resource for cultivating a contemplative inquiry practice that will change the way you respond to life's challenges, so you can leave reactivity behind, stop operating on autopilot, and make conscious choices about how you show up, behave, and serve others.

  • Transform reactive patterns into conscious choices

  • Cultivate inner peace, love, and compassion

  • Harness a repeatable inquiry practice for self-healing

  • Create a life aligned with your truest desires instead of your fears!

Inside the Guidebook:

  • Understand the power of Anchor the Now

  • How & when to use the practice (highlighting key moments where Anchor the Now is especially useful)

  • Tips for adapting & making the practice your own

  • A printable journal page for you to reflect & work through the practice

  • Guidance on a broader set of practices for cultivating peace, self-compassion & authenticity (the re:source method)